

Maitry Paul

Year of selection 2015
Cohort 1

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Home Institute

Assam Agricultural University

Host Institute

University of Helsinki

Lab, Institute, Country

Plant Genomic Lab, Institute of Biotechnology, Finland

Name of Researcher/Supervisor

Prof. Alan H Schulman

Duration of working period

April 2015 - March 2018

Title and Brief report of the work (max 300 words)

I am working on transposable elements especially on Class II retrotransposon (BARE).  My research target is to check BARE replication and propagation in Barley. BARE is both abundant, replicationally active, stress-activated and forms 15% of the barley genome. Read-through from retrotransposon promoters is known to strongly affect the expression of adjacent genes and drive genome evolution in response to heat and drought stress, as well as irradiation. Stress may, therefore, lead to retrotransposon replication and influence genic response to stress. We have a set of transgenic lines containing BARE LTR deletions that are grown under heat stress conditions. Transcriptomic analysis of different transgenic lines and transient expression essays in barley protoplast are used to identify the role of different LTR (long terminal repeat) regions in controlling expression. Expression of native BARE elements is also checked simultaneously in the above condition. We found that BARE retrotransposon activates in response to heat stress.

List of publications with impact factor, presentation of the research work in conferences/ seminars /workshops

I have presented my work in Nordic post graduate (NOVA) course in plant breeding, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Finnish Plant Science Days , University of Turku, Finland, Plant club organized by DPPS, University of Helsinki and in The Mobile Genome: Genetic and Physiological Impacts of Transposable Elements, EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany. I also attended a workshop on  Wageningen Academy Programme: Summer School on Image Analysis for Plant Phenotyping. Wageningen University, The Netherlands. Preparation of publication is under process.

Present position

Continuing my Doctoral studies in University of Helsinki, Finland.

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