Virocon 2013 (Asia Pacific Congress of Virology): Virocon 2013

An International Conference on the topic "Asia Pacific Congress of Virology" from December 17-20, 2013 was hosted by Amity Institute of Virology and Immunology, Amity University Noida, India under the aegis of the Indian Virological Society. The conference included sessions on Plant Virology, Veterinary Virology, Medical Virology, Fish Virology, Immunology and Vaccines. 

The final program could be downloaded here.

The flyer of BRAVE was posted in this meeting.
Prof. Supriya Chakraborty indicated that the flyer was visited by a number of participants (young researchers). See photos below.




BRAVE is funded by the ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2 program of the European Union.
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BRAVE © 2013 | Coordinated by Agricultural University of Athens