Term | Definition |
The Agency or EACEA | The Education, Culture and Audiovisual Executive Agency of the European Union Commission responsible for the implementation of the Erasmus Mundus Program to (hereinafter “the Agency or "EACEA"”). The EACEA is responsible for the management of this program, including financial management, monitoring of projects (assessment of intermediate and final reports), communication with beneficiaries and onsite controls. |
Grant Agreement | An agreement, number 2013-2536/001-011, signed by the Coordinator and the Agency stipulating financial and administrative provisions for the implementation of the project, as well as obligations, responsibilities, and rights of participating parties. |
Coordinator | The coordinator is the Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) that, on behalf of the consortium, has signed the Grant Agreement with the Agency. The coordinator is the project leader in the consortium, contacts the Agency in all aspects related to the management of the project. |
HEI | Higher Education Institute or University. |
Partners | Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), full members of the consortium that benefit from the EU grant within this consortium. |
Associate partner(s) | Other organisations that can contribute to the promotion, implementation, monitoring, evaluation activities and sustainable development of consortium, which are not entitled to benefit directly from the grant. |
Grantee | A person who has been granted a scholarship to undertake eligible activity within this partnership. |
Mobility | Moving physically from India to an EU country (with a partner in this consortium), in order to undertake study, work experience, research, other learning or research activity or related administrative activity. |
Credit seeking mobility | A mobility where the grantee is registered in an Indian Univerity and performs part of his studies or work in an EU University partner in BRAVE. The degree will be offered by the Indian Univesrity (home University) |
Degree seeking mobility | A mobility where the grantee is to perform all his studies/work in an EU University partner in BRAVE. The degree will be offered by the EU Univesrity (host University). The degree will be offered by the EU University. |
TG | Target Group (TG), is the different category of students and researchers that are targeted in Erasmus Mundus projects. Target Group I – Indian nationals (applicants) that must be enrolled, associated or work (full time) in one of the Indian Universities in BRAVE at the time of application. Target Group II – Indian nationals (applicants) that must be enrolled in or have a degree awarded by an Indian University which is not a partner in BRAVE, that is in other Indian University outside BRAVE. Target Group III – Indian nationals in a particularly vulnerable situation for social, economic or political reasons. For example: born in, studying at or been awarded a degree by a Univesrity located in a Backward district of India. |
Cohort |
Erasmus Mundus partnerships are organizing the mobilities in different cohorts, that are the times in the program that people granted with a scholarship have to initiate the mobility. For example BRAVE has three cohorts.
First cohort for BRAVE: Last date to start the mobility under cohort 1 is 31 December 2014. However, PhD scholarships (25) have to start by July 2014. Second cohort for BRAVE: Last date to start the mobility under cohort 2 is 31 December 2015. Third cohort for BRAVE: Last date to start the mobility under cohort 3 is 31 December 2016. |
Bacward district |
or BRGF districts.
The districts of Indian states that are characterized as less developped by the Governement of India. For a list please click here. |
ECTS | European Credit Transfer System: A studnet-centred system based on the student workload required to achieve the objectives of a program, objectives preferably specified in terms of the learning outcomes and cometences to be be acquired; for more information please visit: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-policy/ects_en.htm |
BRAVE is funded by the ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2 program of the European Union. |