EU Partners

Name Position Phone Country
Andreas Voloudakis Assistant Professor +30 210 5294213 Hellas
Sven-Erik Behrens Professor +493455524960 Germany
Tamas Dalmay Director of Research +44 1603 593221 United Kingdom
Fernando García-Arenal Director del CBGP, UPM +34-913364550/4539 Spain
Daniele Bssi Professore Ordinario +39 0250316560 Italy
Jari Valkonen Vice Director +358-9-19158387 Finland

BRAVE is funded by the ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2 program of the European Union.
The author bears all the responsibility for the information contained in this web site. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture  Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that can be made of the information.

BRAVE © 2013 | Coordinated by Agricultural University of Athens