Cohort 3 results are declared
To see the results please go to SCHOLARSHIPS and select "Cohort 3 Results" or click here.

Please acknowledge acceptance of the scholarship by Monday 01.08.2016 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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- MSc snd PhD mobilities are credit seeking, degree will be obtained from the home (Indian) University.

- MSc snd PhD mobilities should start by mid Septemeber 2016.

- UG and PD mobilities should start by 31 December 2016.

- Staff mobilities can start at any time.

- Appeals to be received by 01.08.2016.



BRAVE is funded by the ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2 program of the European Union.
The author bears all the responsibility for the information contained in this web site. The Education, Audiovisual and Culture  Executive Agency and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that can be made of the information.

The EU-India Consortium BRAVEPlant Virology in the new era
Breeding for resistance

 BRAVE  (BReeding for plAnt resistance to VirusEs) is an Erasmus Mundus educational partnership involving six European Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and five Indian HEIs.

BRAVE is a 4-year (2013-2017) scholarship program that will support financially the mobility of Indian nationals (undergraduates, MSc, PhD, postdoctorate and staff [academic and administrative]) to study or work at one of the six European HEIs of BRAVE in the thematic areas related to BRAVE.

BRAVE will: 
1. Provide 100 scholarships to Indian nationals for studying; 
2. Support different Target Groups in India; 
3. Foster Institutional cooperation to develop higher
    education teaching and learning capacity; 
4. Build the management capacity of HEIs in India.

The project is coordinated by the Agricultural University of Athens, Hellas (Greece).

Old News

2015-12-01 Manolis Chatzigeorgiadis Old News

India Day @ UNIMI

  India Day @ UNIMI:     ...

2014-12-01 Manolis Chatzigeorgiadis Old News

Virocon 2014 India

Virocon 2014 India (Asia Pacific Congress of Virology): ...

2013-12-23 Old News

VIROCON 2013 India

 Virocon 2013 (Asia Pacific Congress of Virology): ...

2013-09-30 Old News

Erasmus Mundus Coordinators Conference 2013

The Erasmus Mundus Conference was hel...

2013-12-09 Old News

BRAVE: Kick-off meeting

ERASMUS MUNDUS Action 2: BRAVE Kick-off Meeting   Athens, 10-11 December 2013   Agricultural ...

Announcement Wall

Important Cohort 3 Results are announced. Please acknowledge acceptance of scolarship by 01.08.2016.

Important Cohort 3 application period extended to 15/04/2016.
This was requested by the Indian Partners due to Holiday season.

Important Cohort 3 application period opens on 25/02/2016. 

Important Cohort 3 application period to be announced soon.

Important Cohort 2 results are announced.

Important Cohort 2 applications are under evaluation. 

Important Cohort 2 application deadline is extended to 4 May 2015


Important Cohort 2 application period to be announced soon 

for announcemant wall material up to 26/01/2015 click here

BRAVE © 2013 | Coordinated by Agricultural University of Athens